Hexagonal expanded metal is also known as turtle type expanded metal, equal stem expanded metal and isosceles fancy expanded metal.The hole type is different from the ordinary steel plate, which are arranged in a staggered pattern.
Stainless steel plate, low carbon steel plate, aluminum plate, nickel plate, titanium plate, copper plate, galvanized sheet, etc
Surface treatment: PVC coating, spray powder, paint, fluorocarbon spray, etc
But due to its unique physical structure, hexagonal expanded metal with diamond steel plate mesh properties at the same time, itself has: toughness, impact resistance
Aesthetic appeal, good ventilation , long life, etc.
Uses: Hexagonal hole heavy expanded metal is mainly used for building structure, pedal, trench covering and roofs.
Part of the light duty hexagonal expanded metal used for ceiling decoration and curtain wall decoration. Are also used for fencing because of its beautiful.
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